Product Name: poly ( PEEK Resin) is a special engineering plastic with excellent performance, and has more significant advantages compared with other special engineering plastics.
The maximum diameter size of PEEK products manufactured by our company can reach 1500MM, and the technology is the most mature in China so far.
1: Mechanical properties ,PEEK is a plastic with a balance of toughness and rigidity, comparable to alloy materials.
2: Self-lubricity, PEEK offers superior slip performance in all plastics.
3: chemical resistance (corrosion resistance), PEEK has excellent chemical resistance. Its corrosion resistance is similar nickel steel.
4: Fatigue resistance. PEEK has the best fatigue resistance of any resin.
5: Hydrolysis resistance. PEEK and its composite materials are resistant to the chemical effects of water and high-pressure water vapor. Products made of PEEK can maintain excellent properties in the continuous use of high-temperature and high-pressure water.
6: High temperature resistant
PEEK resin has a higher melting point (334℃) and the glass transition temperature (143℃), continuous use temperature of 260℃.
PEEK products have excellent dimensional stability, which is important for some applications. Temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions changing have little influence on the size of PEEK parts, which can meet the requirements of high dimensional accuracy.
PEEK is mainly used in severe working conditions such as high temperature, high pressure and contact corrosive media, as well as sanitary products.